
I'm Ayberk.

a Civil Engineer & Web Developer.

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Ayberk's Personal-img


I'm a web designer / developer based in Antalya, Turkey. I have a passion for web design and love to create for web and mobile devices.

My Skills.


Web Design & Development

I can develop websites using technologies such as html5, css3, bootstrap, javascript and react. I have front-end developer skills for now, but I want to gain full web developer skills as soon as possible.


Civil Engineering

In addition to my web design and coding diploma, I am a civil engineer and I graduated from this 100% English department with a degree and honor certificate.


Snowboarding & Skiing

To talk about my hobbies, I have been interested in skiing and snowboarding for the last 10 years. I definitely go to do this sport every winter and this unique adrenaline feeling is very good for me.

Get In Touch

If you love snowboarding as much as I do.

Love snowboarding or video games as much as I do? Let's talk about how awesome they are! We can code while talking.

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